Total Medals Earned: 286 (From 100 different games.) Total Medal Score: 3,195 Points
Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/500 points)
well! what is it!
well! what it is!
*looks skyward*
*points down*
praise the sun!
*proper bow*
r1 r1 r1 r1
roll bs roll bs roll bs
010 dies lol
020 dies
030 dies
040 dies
050 dies
060 dies
070 dies
080 dies
090 dies
100 dies omgwtf
Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/235 points)
Survive the Disk Wheel for 10 seconds
Die in Discwheel
Survive the Disc Wheel for 30 seconds
Survive the Disc Wheel for OVER A MINUTE
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/53 (5/435 points)
Reach $1K
Reach $30K
Reach $1M
Reach 1Km depth
Reach 2.5Km depth
Reach 4Km depth
Reach 8Km depth
Reach 11Km depth
Reach 12Km depth
Reach 50Km depth
Craft 50 items
Craft 500 items
Craft 5000 items
Use 10 items
Use 25 items
Use 100 items
Forge 50 ores
Forge 500 ores
Forge 5000 ores
Forge 500 alloys
Cut 3 gems
Cut 10 gems
Cut 50 gems
Complete 20 researches
Complete 40 researches
Complete 78 researches
Complete 10 contracts
Complete 20 contracts
Complete 50 contracts
Make $1000 from auction
Make $50000 from auction
Complete 1 museum sets
Complete 4 museum sets
Complete 7 museum sets
Recycle 50 items
Recycle 250 items
Recycle 1000 items
Harvest 10 flowers
Harvest 10 plants.
Harvest 100 plants
Water plant 1000 times
Reincarnate once
Collect 10 Drillioncoin
Collect 100 Drillioncoin
Boost drill part 10 times
Boost drill part 50 times
Reach drill speed of 25 dps
Reach drill speed of 50 dps
Reach drill speed of 100 dps
Travel to new place
Buy a burger stand
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
Complete one level
Complete ten levels
Complete all levels
Get par on all levels
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/105 points)
Learn English!
Go insie the space craft.
Break out!
Sneak by security
Well kind of.......
Medals Earned: 1/31 (5/255 points)
Your destiny is in the stars!
Medals Earned: 2/6 (20/140 points)
Get a game over on the first puzzle on Easy.
Run out of time.
Set off Martin's siren 3 times in one game.
Go to the page for the song used in this game.
Get a score of 500 or higher on any difficulty.
Get a score of 1000 or higher on any difficulty.
Medals Earned: 5/15 (70/220 points)
Find the Top Secret F
Find the Top Secret C
Find the Freddy number 1
Find the Freddy number 4
Find the Freddy number 5
Find Top Secret A
Find The top Secret E
Find the top Secret G
Find the Freddy number 3
Find Top Secret B
Find Top Secret I
Find Secret J
Find Top Secret H
Find the Top Secret D
Find the Freddy number 2
Medals Earned: 2/3 (15/40 points)
Hey look there's more than one of me
So trapping them and not letting them finish is okay?
You completed the game
Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/230 points)
Hoard at least 100 gold in a single run.
Travel at least 1 kilometer in a single run.
Level up at least once.
Travel at least 2 kilometers in a single run.
Hoard at least 200 gold in a single run.
Travel at least 3 kilometers in a single run. You are officially good at the game.
Hoard at least 300 gold in a single run. You're either too good, or too frugal.
Level up to level 3.